Ancuta IosubSoftpedia editor profile and review archive

personal motto:

"The wind from one door closing opens another"

Some people say I’m too serious, but I consider myself more of a daydreamer. However, I am not living in a fantasy world, I’m responsible and organized, and when the situation calls for it, I can be very pragmatic and I rarely give up once I set my mind on something.

I like reading, meeting new people, learning new things, and traveling. I love nature, spring days, babies and animals​.

Stability and peace are very important in every aspect of my life, so I tend to be patient and forbearing with people around me as long as they don’t step on my toes.

Contact Ancuta Iosub:

Articles by Ancuta Iosub:


Travel Site Launches UK's First Left-Hand Driving School

Around 27% of British holidaymakers admit they are afraid of driving on the right side
by Ancuta Iosub, June 3rd, 2014
Four Dead As Massive Dust Storm Envelops the Iranian Capital, Tehran [AFP]

Four Dead As Massive Dust Storm Envelops the Iranian Capital, Tehran AFP

by Ancuta Iosub, June 3rd, 2014
Powerful wind gusts caused massive disruption in the city

Creative Builder Makes Apollo-Inspired Treehouse

The space capsule is made out of a water tank and comes complete with a control center
by Ancuta Iosub, June 2nd, 2014
Artists Turn Buffaloes into Works of Art at Bull Painting Festival in China

Artists Turn Buffaloes into Works of Art at Bull Painting Festival in China

by Ancuta Iosub, June 2nd, 2014
A total of 48 animals were covered in vivid colors and intricate designs
Man Dressed as Batman Proposes to His Girlfriend on Cardiff Streets

Man Dressed as Batman Proposes to His Girlfriend on Cardiff Streets

by Ancuta Iosub, May 31st, 2014
Mathew Hill wanted his girlfriend to never forget the moment he asked her to marry him
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