Alexandru DulcianuSoftpedia editor profile and review archive

Hey, I'm Alex and I always have a pair of headphones on, as well as a dim glow on my face coming from whatever monitor I happen to gaze at.

I enjoy taking long walks, but I never do, so I feel bad about it while I'm playing video games and watching movies. I also have a lot of other hobbies that I ignore on a regular basis, as well as quite the list of achievements I plan on avoiding in the future.

Despite all that, I see myself as an optimist, since I always consider the best outcome in whatever task I happen to undertake and I maintain my initial assessment regardless of the end result. As with everyone else, I have flaws and downsides, but I tirelessly work on keeping them out of the autobiography I have planned in the nearby future.

In the end, you can probably find out more about me by looking over my articles, since that is how I express most of my opinions when it comes to the things that sparkle my curiosity.

Contact Alexandru Dulcianu:

Articles by Alexandru Dulcianu:


Destiny 2 Beta Impressions (PC)

The mighty guardians take on another impossible mission
by Alexandru Dulcianu, September 6th, 2017

Wave of Darkness Review (PC)

A hardcore RPG with a brand-new fantasy universe to explore
by Alexandru Dulcianu, November 16th, 2015