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Articles by Alexandra Lupu:


Have Fun and Stay Fit with the Rainbow Diet

A funny, but very efficient nutritional therapy
by Alexandra Lupu, July 9th, 2006

Beauty Myths - True or False?

Many common cosmetic advices are only meant to puzzle and make us more confuse then we were before - how many of them are really true?
by Alexandra Lupu, July 8th, 2006

Paracetamol Intake Found Beneficial Against Ovarian Cancer

Regular paracetamol intake - more than 30 tablets monthly - reduces the risk of getting ovarian cancer with 30%
by Alexandra Lupu, July 8th, 2006
Gender Gap Found - Males and Females Are Really Different

Gender Gap Found - Males and Females Are Really Different

by Alexandra Lupu, July 8th, 2006
Scientific research proves that there are hundreds of genes behaving differently in male and female bodies - leading to different behavior of diseases in women and men bodies

Hopes for Patients Suffering from Deadly Liver Diseases

Severe liver diseases and liver transplants may be avoided in the near future and replaced with stem cells substitution
by Alexandra Lupu, July 7th, 2006

Death from Injuries Higher in Poor Children

A study published recently in the British Medical Journal has analyzed death rates specific to social classes and reached the conclusion that the poorest children are the ones that face the highest risk of dying from injuries
by Alexandra Lupu, July 7th, 2006

Not Getting Enough Sleep? People Sleep Less Than They Think

Also, white women sleep longer and more efficiently than black ones
by Alexandra Lupu, July 7th, 2006

Iridology - Our Health Diagnosed Through The Eyes

But can our eyes be the mirror of all the disorders in the body?
by Alexandra Lupu, July 7th, 2006

Bach's Flower Therapy - Or How to Grasp the Healing Effects of Nature

Learn how to reach the equilibrium between body and soul and both spiritual and physical health through the Divine floral essences invented by Dr. Edward Bach
by Alexandra Lupu, July 7th, 2006
Artificial Tanning Devices Cause Skin Cancer

Artificial Tanning Devices Cause Skin Cancer

by Alexandra Lupu, July 7th, 2006
The European Union scientists draw attention upon the side effects of artificial tanning devices on the skin

Benefits from Horseradish

Lately, horseradish is extensively used as a spice for various meals, but we should not forget about all the therapeutic ways in which it can help us maintain our health.
by Alexandra Lupu, July 6th, 2006

Does Hair Dye Cause Cancer?

Hair dye may be a risk factor in leukemia and non - Hodgkin's lymphoma
by Alexandra Lupu, July 6th, 2006

Flower Therapy Induces Happiness and Positive Feelings

Flowers are used to provide emotional health through synaesthesia - the union of sweet smells, optimistic colors and caressing sight.
by Alexandra Lupu, July 6th, 2006

Cannabis May Lead to Heroin Addiction

Marijuana intake during youth may cause further stronger drugs addiction
by Alexandra Lupu, July 6th, 2006

Gene that Causes Down's Syndrome Tracked Down

The gene is called the amyloid precursor protein gene (App) and by reducing it, Down's Syndrome may be prevented and even cured
by Alexandra Lupu, July 6th, 2006
Heat to Relieve Internal Pain

Heat to Relieve Internal Pain

by Alexandra Lupu, July 6th, 2006
Grandma was right: external heat provided by hot water or any other source has been scientifically proved to turn off pain receptors within the body

Improve Your Memory with Natural Resources

If memory and cognitive function may degenerate in time, there are always the natural remedies that may improve it
by Alexandra Lupu, July 5th, 2006
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