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British Teacher Reveals 30 Years of Confiscated Items in Public Exhibition

The “Confiscated Cabinets” exposition holds the weirdest items kids brought to school
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 3rd, 2013

The Copenhagen Wheel Boosts Your Cycling Speed for $699 (€514)

Cyclists can benefit from a battery-powered assist uphill that recharges when descending
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 3rd, 2013

Britain's Ugliest Christmas Tree Erected in Stockton

Locals hate the new tree and bashed it all over Facebook in a sign of protest
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 3rd, 2013
Mysterious Tipper Leaves Servers Surprises Up to $10,000 (€7,370)

Mysterious Tipper Leaves Servers Surprises Up to $10,000 (€7,370)

by Alexandra Botezatu, December 3rd, 2013
The anonymous eccentric tipper calls himself “TipsForJesus”

Genetically Modified Salmon Soon to Be Approved for Sale in the US

This kind of mutant salmon grows twice as fast and can be a threat to wild fish
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 3rd, 2013

$90,000 (€66,500) Jewelry Collection Found in an Old Attic Suitcase

The owner was about to throw it away when curiosity determined her to open the old case
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 3rd, 2013

Swastika-Themed Christmas Exposition Brings Back Hitler's Take on Holidays

A German museum exhibits propaganda ornaments featuring Hitler, Stalin and Kaiser
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013

Wedding Stopped by Police After Discovering Visa Scam

The Hungarian bride and Pakistani groom couldn't even communicate to each other
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013
Crazy Woman Attacked and Bit Shop Owner After Being Refused a Refund

Crazy Woman Attacked and Bit Shop Owner After Being Refused a Refund

by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013
The 33-year-old customer launched a “wolf-like” attack on the owner for $2.20 (€1.63)

11-Year-Old Boy Without Feet Determined to Play Football and Live a Normal Life

Gabriel suffers from apodia, a rare limb deficiency that stopped development of his feet
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013

Woman Disgusts Bus Passengers Eating a Weird Snack – Video

The woman in the video decided to have a weird and disgusting snack while reading a book
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013

Glasgow Helicopter Crash Death Reports Raise to 9

The law enforcement officers fear more bodies could be found under the wreckage
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013

KFC's Christmas Ad Mocks Family Bickery with a Themed Song

The commercial pokes fun at the awkward holiday situations in a musical
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013

Kids' “Dear Santa” Letters Are Getting Worse Every Year

Why trouble yourself with writing to Santa what you want when you can give an Amazon link
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013
The World's Most Adorable Opossum Is Actually Terrifying

The World's Most Adorable Opossum Is Actually Terrifying

by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013
The video shows a threatening mother opossum carrying more than 10 cubs on her back

Dandelion Found Growing in Child's Ear Canal

The fully grown 0.8-inch (2-cm) flower was surgically removed
by Alexandra Botezatu, December 2nd, 2013
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