Alexandra AriciSoftpedia editor profile and review archive

Hey, I’m Alex and I’m a slight synesthesiac. That means I form a particular special bond with words, because to me they have a taste, come in colors and are down-right awesome.

This is how my love affair with writing first started, back in the day when I had no idea what was going on with me or the universe. Fast forward a few years later and I still have no clue, but I’ve taking it upon me to try to make some sort of “sense”.

Apart from being quite caught-up in the chaos of existence, I’m interested in a lot of stuff. And when I say a lot I mean everything ranging from technology and science (neurobiology in particular) to art, music (music is life), books and drawing.

At Softpedia I write news about tablets, laptops, photo and wearables, so you can see these are quite diverse fields that have been mashed up under my umbrella and this is how I like it. Diversity is unity.

Contact Alexandra Arici:

Articles by Alexandra Arici:

Sony Announces Marshmallow-Based Concept for Xperia Z3, Xperia Z3 Compact Users

Sony Announces Marshmallow-Based Concept for Xperia Z3, Xperia Z3 Compact Users

by Alexandra Arici, October 7th, 2015
Sony updates its “Concept for Android” initiative
Nexus 9 Tablet Gets 25% Discount on Amazon

Nexus 9 Tablet Gets 25% Discount on Amazon

by Alexandra Arici, October 6th, 2015
The Nexus 9 is currently getting the Android 6.0 update
RoboHon Is a Robot/Smartphone Hybrid Launching in Japan in 2016

RoboHon Is a Robot/Smartphone Hybrid Launching in Japan in 2016

by Alexandra Arici, October 6th, 2015
RoboHon can also act as your tiny assistant
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