Customer describes experience with support services

Sep 16, 2015 12:39 GMT  ·  By

The upgrade from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 was supposed to go as smoothly as possible, and yet, that’s not happening for quite a lot of users out there, who come across various problems either during installation or after that.

So it’s no surprise that they try to contact Microsoft Support and get assistance from an expert who must know everything about Windows 10 and the errors that it might show on your screen.

The only problem is that Microsoft’s support services aren’t really helpful when you need them the most, and customer Chris Killian knows this very well.

“I have been calling and have either spoke or chatted with 14 different techs trying to solve my issues. I am trying to install Windows 10 and keep running into different error codes. The really weird thing is I have 2 exact systems built (I built them) at the same time (one for me and one for my husband). One system I haven't had any problems with downloading and installing Windows 10. The other, I can't get anything to work,” Killian explained in a message posted on the Community forums.

Two weeks of phone calls to Microsoft Support

Killian then goes on to explain in her post (which you can read in full in the box after the jump) that she contacted Microsoft Support every day in the next two weeks, trying to get help for a problem that completely broke down one of her computers.

The answer she received when she asked a Microsoft engineer how come she never got a call back was shocking, to say the least:

“I was actually told today by a tech that they lied when they say they will call you back because they will never call you back.”

Obviously, it’s hard to say whether this is true or not because Microsoft support engineers sometimes tell you all kinds of inaccurate things and often try to say whatever you want them to say, but it’s pretty clear that something needs to be changed in this service. Otherwise, expect criticism against the company to grow bigger in the coming months.

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