You can now skip forward and back while experience better color contrast

Apr 11, 2012 07:04 GMT  ·  By

Netflix has just posted an update for its special application on the Xbox 360 platform, adding quite a few new features and increasing the reliability of the app when used by owners of the Microsoft console.

The Xbox 360 is becoming a true entertainment center for its owners, largely because Microsoft is introducing an array of apps that deliver all sorts of content, from TV shows to movies or music.

Netflix, however, is still one of the most popular apps on the console and, in order to keep on dominating its competition, the service has just released an update with a few new features on the Xbox 360.

Check out the most important things included in this new version of the app below.

- Skip Forward/Skip Back functions during play allow you to move through movies quickly and move between TV episodes easily - Zoom function during play lets you enlarge letterboxed video content to full screen - Better color contrast, making colors more vivid and black more pure. - If you’re a member in Canada, Latin America, the UK or Ireland, we have also created more opportunities to share TV shows and movies in the connected world and for you to discover more great stuff to watch through your friends. Members that have connected with their Facebook friends on Netflix can now see what their friends have watched and rated on Netflix. - Single sign on with cloud profile makes it easier to enjoy Netflix on another Xbox 360, wherever you are. For example when visiting a friend’s house you can use their Xbox 360 with Netflix after signing on with your Xbox Live credentials The Netflix app on the Xbox 360 will be updated once you start it up and are connected to the web. In case you didn’t download it up until now, you’ll receive the newest version of the application with the update already applied.