First Tekken 5 for the PS3, and now Soul Calibur for the 360. Anything for the Wii?

Jun 26, 2007 09:15 GMT  ·  By

Generally, online play doesn't come as a feature for fighting games. Only recently Namco Bandai has announced plans of releasing Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online, but this is as far as fighting games go online. No wait, that's not entirely true. As it turns out, the latest issue of EGM spills the beans on some online networking for Soulcalibur IV, but the game's director isn't sure if they'll manage to trade customized characters with friends.

Yes, that last thing I mentioned has surely made you sad, but hey, when Soul Calibur 4 arrives on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2008, you'll actually get to fight with your own, customized character against guys across the seas, so don't tell me Namco isn't thinking of its fans. Anyway, here's what Soulcalibur IV Director, Katsutoshi Sasaki says, as 1UP posts:

"What's changed this time round is that the next-gen platforms have network infrastructure already in place. We've heard from fans that they really want the game to be online, so we figured that, with the current environment, we really couldn't make SC4 without online play."

As the same site mentioned above points out, the "create-a-character" in Soul Calibur III is surely getting a revamping with the release of Soulcalibur IV, so the next logical question is: what are gamers going to be able to do with them? "We definitely want to allow users to fight with their customized characters during online play. But we're unsure whether or not you'll be able to trade characters with friends," said Katsutoshi Sasaki.

Remember, Namco has also made the exciting announcement of prepping to launch a downloadable add-on for their famous PS3 fighting title, Tekken 5, to allow you to go online and kick nationally-different-ass. The new feature will include ranked matches, custom battles and online tournaments where Tekken fans will finally be able to show off their fighting skills to have it out with other fans, outside of their own homes.

So, one online fighting title for Xbox 360 and one for PS3. Which one are you?