Not clear how many of them will be included in the next expansion

Mar 22, 2012 00:51 GMT  ·  By

The World of Warcraft MMO from Blizzard is getting ready to receive the Mists of Pandaria expansion this year and, while the focus has been on the new continent, the new race and the new class, the new package will also make changes to the old areas that players know too well.

Speaking to WOW Insider, Dave Kosak, also known as Fargo from his GameSpy days, who is at the moment the lead quest designer on World of Warcraft, said, “Theramore will be touched. But we're not really eager to jump back into Arathi Highlands at this point. Maybe in the future. There's still a lot of story hooks dangling there in the old world.

“Sometimes we have the opportunity to revisit it, like in Twilight Highlands with the Dragonmaw and Grim Batol. So when an excuse comes up to do that, we're happy to. But I wouldn't expect many old-world revamps for a while.”

He added, “I certainly wanted to become more involved with the WoW story, and certainly with Pandaria, I'm involved heavily with Metzen. I'm involved with making our stories playing out across all of our comics, web stories, and in-game.

“What's important to me is making sure that our external books and stories are tied into our game heavily, that there's a tighter connection there. That's my main goal.”

World of Warcraft has grown beyond the simple MMO structure and there are both comic books and novels linked to the universe, which makes it much more difficult for the story tellers working on the game to keep track of the game’s lore.

Mists of Pandaria will be launched late during 2012 and gamers will be able to enjoy the first neutral race in the history of World of Warcraft and a number of new set of features linked to both PvE and PvP battles.