Oct 5, 2010 08:00 GMT  ·  By

Redmond-based software giant Microsoft is moving closer and closer to the official unveiling of its new mobile operating system, Windows phone 7, and of a new software portal for users and for developers, the Windows Phone Marketplace.

As the official launch date nears, the company is making new steps towards having mobile applications available for download via the portal, as well as towards ramping up the development of more software solutions for its new platform.

One such step involves offering early access to the Marketplace, enabling developers to have their solutions available for download in time for the big launch.

Here's what Todd Brix notes in a post on the Windows Phone Developer Blog: “next week developers will see a brand new developer portal that makes it even easier for them to distribute and manage their apps and games. We’re taking more of the burden off of the developer so they can focus on their creativity.”

Of course, not all developers would enjoy early access to the Windows Phone Marketplace, but some of those who area already registered have been contacted and invited to submit apps to the portal.

Here's what Microsoft's plans in the area look like:

- Oct 6: Deadline for registered developers to respond to the invitation to participate in early submission. Of those that request access, an initial group of a couple of thousand developers will be accepted on a first come, first served basis to receive guidance and early access to the new application submission and certification process. - Oct 11: Participating early certification developers will receive instructions on submitting their xaps, allowing those apps to be published in Marketplace in the lead up to, and after, launch. - Oct 12-November: Microsoft will continue processing submissions and prioritizing new requests in the order they are received until the self-serve submission process is broadly enabled.

November should bring the new Marketplace to all Windows Phone 7 app developers out there, while also enhancing the experience users receive from the new portal.

Some of the first apps and games for the Windows Phone 7 platform have been already spotted into the wild, with Microsoft itself demonstrating them, and more are to come.

“Test and near final apps and games are already showing up on pre-production devices. The list of available titles will grow daily as we near general availability to ensure that end users have a great catalog to shop on the day they pick up their new phone,” the said blog post continues.