Homebrew projects go bye-bye

Jun 17, 2008 07:32 GMT  ·  By

A new Wii Menu update (bringing it to version 3.3) has just been put live by Nintendo and it brings a few tweaks, as it was expected. Basically, even though officially Nintendo states the most important thing is that you can "move a Mii from the Mii Plaza to The Mii Parade in the Mii Channel," another change is actually what matters: the Twilight Hack has been killed. Forever. Goodbye homebrew projects!

If you don't remember too well what this Twilight Princess hack was all about, here it is: a few months ago, hackers found a way to exploit a modified save file of the game and get access to the Wii. As expected, this led to the creation of quite a few homebrew projects (such as playing Full Throttle on the console). Now, with Nintendo releasing the 3.3 version of the Wii Menu, everything will be lost.

Here's the official word on the update: "With this update, you can now move a Mii from the Mii Plaza to The Mii Parade in the Mii Channel. To do this, simply pick up a Mii using the A and B Buttons and then release it over the Mii Parade icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. Because unauthorized modifications to save files may impair game play or the Wii console, updating to Wii Menu version 3.3 will also check for and automatically remove such save files."

It's worth noting that moving your Miis will do the same as deleting them from a game, so you should consider twice deleting them if they are attached to a save file. Of course, that's the easy decision. You might have some problems deciding whether you should press that update button or not. Nintendo wants you to, of course. Does the princess have the same opinion?