All in the 1.1 patch

Oct 20, 2008 11:41 GMT  ·  By

The MMORPG, or Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, market is definitely a tough one, with World of Warcraft being the dominant title (having over 11 million subscribers) that all the other games are trying to beat. There have been titles announced as the ones that would dethrone WoW but none of them managed to succeed even remotely - until Warhammer Online, or WAR, was launched a short time ago. Since then, everyone has been comparing the two massive games to find out which is the best, but you can’t really do that, as both have certain strong and weak aspects.

In an effort to appeal to players even more, Mythic Entertainment, the developing company behind WAR, has just announced in its first State of the Game article that the game would soon get its first patch, 1.1, set to be released at the end of the fall season. Among the key new aspects that this patch will bring is the addition of two classes, which were cut from the retail release. Those two classes are the Black Guard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun and they will join the pretty wide variety of classes split into the two factions, Order and Destruction.

Here’s what Mark Jacobs, vice president of Mythic Entertainment, has to say about the classes soon joining the online game, “I’m happy to announce that in December, the Black Guard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun will officially be part of WAR. We have very special plans around their appearance and in our next newsletter we will provide full details about that exciting and rather novel event. When they were cut from the game launch plans earlier this year, I said that the Black Guard and the Knight would be part of WAR only when they were great and deserved their place alongside all of WAR’s other compelling classes. I also said that we would not charge any additional fees for this new content or put it in a separate expansion pack; that’s not how we operate. We’ve kept to that plan and with the introduction of these two classes, Mythic shows that once again we are happy to keep giving players more value for their subscription dollars than any other MMORPG developer”.

This patch will surely make the number of subscribers, which has already reached 750,000, bigger and might just set a record this early after its launch. Until then, we should be getting back to our already configured characters.