Nintendo Wiis too

Dec 21, 2006 16:00 GMT  ·  By

Looks like the PS3 supplies aren't over yet, or maybe I should say that they are going to be renewed. By the looks of it, you will get the chance to sleep in front of the store once again, because Toys R Us is going to get a new supply of next-gen consoles PS3 included.

Newswire has a piece in which they reveal Christmas shipments for Toy R Us. The new shipment will arrive on Friday, December 22nd and the stores open an 8:00 am. Looking at the clock, I guess there is still time to head on home, grab my sleeping gear (HDTV included) and place myself in front of the store. Maybe I will manage to get my hands on one of 6,000 PS3s arriving at Toys R Us.

Also, some Wii supplies are going to be delivered to the retailer, buy they don't reveal how many units; they just say "thousands of units". I guess I will manage to score one of two next-gens. May it will be PS3 or Wii. They will also receive some Xbox 360s, 30,000 units to be exact. You probably don't care so much about Microsoft next-gens right now, as neither do I. You can find them on every street corner.

Toys R Us will be opened starting with 8:00 am and will remain open until midnight though Friday, December 22. Saturday, December 23 the shops will open at 7:00 am and will also be opened until midnight. Unfortunately, Toys R Us store will close at 6:00 pm on Christmas Eve. Apparently, Toys R Us employees have a life...