Mar 18, 2011 08:10 GMT  ·  By

Sony Computer Entertainment UK boss Ray Maguire has revealed that the company will continue to invest in different types of gaming experiences, like Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain, in order to push the boundaries of the PlayStation 3.

Today's gaming industry is slowly being divided into two extremes, with large scale, triple-A releases on one side, and smaller, indie projects on the other.

It's up to platform holders like Sony or Microsoft to invest in middle ground games, which bring unique mechanics and stories, like in indie games, but with big budgets, fit for a triple-A release, at least according to Ray Maguire, the boss of Sony Europe's UK division.

"We as a platform holder have a duty to push the boundaries, we will gamble on using technology and exploring different experiences, because someone has to. But if you're a multiplatform publisher and selling to the marketplace that those platforms have created, then it's purely a commercial decision," Maguire said.

Sony will continue to invest in unique projects that further show what the PlayStation 3 is capable of, including the likes of Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain, which was praised for its unique mechanics and touching story, not to mention the top notch visuals.

"Console technology has given us the ability to tell stories in a better, deeper way. In our own case with Heavy Rain, that's a narrative-driven game - we're opening up new avenues of creativity."

The Sony executive even went so far as to say that betting big on different, more offbeat projects, is fundamental to the Japanese company.

This doesn't mean Sony is neglecting its triple-A projects, as the company will publish a wide array of big PlayStation 3 exclusives, including Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Resistance 3 or Infamous 2.

In the meantime, who knows what other projects are currently in development at Sony's various internal studios.