Jan 8, 2011 11:15 GMT  ·  By
Producer answers the most burning questions about “Twilight: Breaking Dawn”: love scene, birth, death and vampires
   Producer answers the most burning questions about “Twilight: Breaking Dawn”: love scene, birth, death and vampires

With 2011, the countdown on the final two “Twilight” movies has begun: part 1 of “Breaking Dawn” is out in November 2011, while part 2 comes out one year later. As they’re now shooting back to back, producer Wyck Godfrey sits down with USA Today for a Q&A on the most burning issues about the two films.

As any respectable Twi-hard must know after reading Stephenie Meyer’s original novels, the final book, “Breaking Dawn,” which will be released as two films, sees a change in pace as compared to the previous 3.

Not only will there be lovemaking and a very painful pregnancy, but also an even more painful birth, death and a new vampire confrontation. In other words, the stakes are very high for the film to deliver.

There are several issues to keep in mind when dealing with such topics in front of the camera, Godfrey says, but neither “Breaking Dawn” film will go the way of an R-rating to present them graphically.

Instead, they will use the same “trick” as in the book to show the scenes that could prove too difficult for the viewers and, implicitly, for the MPAA members: show everything from Bella’s perspective.

“We basically want to take the audience through the emotional part of Bella’s journey as she becomes a vampire. The first part will cover the wedding, the honeymoon and the birth,” the producer says.

As such, the film will stick to the PG-13 rating the other 3 installments also had. Fans can breathe easy, they will still be of age to see it in theaters.

“It would be a crime against our audience to go R-rated. This is based on a much more mature book. We need to progress and be more sophisticated,” Godfrey explains.

The best way to do that is to tackle everything through Bella’s perspective. “She is looking through the haze, experiencing pain and everything rushing around her. We only see what she sees,” the producer adds.

The same goes for the much hyped love scene between Bella and her vampire husband Edward, of which some have said it could turn very “graphic.” “It is a legitimate and important part of the movie, romantic and sensual,” says the producer.

For the full interview USA Today conducted with “Twilight” producer Wyck Godfrey, please refer here.