The Mapster Competition

Sep 13, 2008 09:26 GMT  ·  By

All mobile users out there who think their geography skills are unmatchable, pay attention: Nokia has come up with a new and quite nice contest that has a 6210 Navigator and cool toys as prizes. What do you have to do in order to win? Well, go to Nokia's Mapster website and enter the Mapster Competition.

Nokia wants you to prove that you know where cities around the world are situated, hence it asks you to locate, once at a time, on a map that has no country borders, 10 major cities from around the globe. You have only 10 seconds for each city, so try to think and act fast. Be careful: if you miss the location by more than 500 – 600 kilometers, you will only get few points, so make sure your answers are as accurate as possible.

The closer you get to the real location of the cities, the more points you will get. After completing the 10-city task, you have to register with your name and email, and hope that your score was among the highest.

The 50 best scorers per week receive a set of 3 Mapster toy monsters (which are quite adorable). The best scorer of “all times” will win a Nokia 6210 Navigator, together with a Drive & Walk license for a whole year (the package is valued at 489 Euros). Note that the competition will end on November 9.

Who can participate in this geography contest? Well, users from all over the world who are “at least 15 years of age or of the legal age in their country of residence.”

All in all, the Mapster Competition is not only fun (you can laugh at yourself when you locate Germany's Frankfurt somewhere on the western coast of France), but also pretty tempting in what regards the prizes it brings. Thus, wait no more and go show Nokia just how skilled you are in the art of perfectly locating any of the world's important cities.