Nov 24, 2010 20:01 GMT  ·  By

LucasArts, as the publisher, and Traveller’s Tales, as the developer, have recently announced that they are working on LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, a new video game experiences based around the well known franchise which combines LEGO building with traditional adventure game and lightsaber battle mechanics.

The creators of the game are saying that one of the most interesting elements of the new experience is the new battle system which allows players to take part in huge ground encounters between the droid army and the clone forces, with base building an integral part of the experience, vehicles used to take out enemies and reinforcements management a crucial skill.

The animated series also offered inspiration for boss battles, with the main characters introduced being Gor and the Zillo Beast and other notable bosses promised for a reveal before the launch date.

The new game will offer more than 20 missions with a narrative created around the main themes of the Clone Era, with another 40 bonus levels added for those who are ready to complete all the in game challenges.

LEGO Star Wars III will also expand the number of weapons that main characters will be able to use, the abilities that the lightsaber will have and the number of Force powers which are simulated in the brick made world.

And the developer's at Traveller's Tales are also focusing on taking the series to space, with 16 different star systems included and available for exploration and the player free to take on the role of a Republic hero, a traitorous Separatist or even a bounty hunter.

Space would not be complete without massive battles and LucasArts promises battles with multiple layers and a chance to use ships like the Anakin Skywalker helmed flagship, the Resolute, and, the Malevolance, which is piloted by Grievous.

Star Wars is not the only franchise which little LEGO blocks are taking over, with the developers also working on a game which is based on the successful movie franchise Pirates of the Carribean.