The company's strategy regarding whether or not to build the Xbox 360 Wiimote/SIXAXIS - 'Wait And See'

Apr 4, 2007 08:10 GMT  ·  By

Did you know that Microsoft has plans of making a motion sensitive controller too? They do you know, but before they throw themselves into the last battle of the console war, Microsoft intends to lay low and watch out for any mishaps that could occur. Thus, the company is keeping a close look at both Nintendo's Wiimote and Sony's SIXAXIS performances, in order to make a good impression of what they should do with their controllers.

Now, as Joystiq posts, Microsoft's Developer Group General Manager Chris Satchell told CVG in an interview today that they're "yet to see a really good game on Wii that really says 'OK that control kicked ass.'" So then, the Wiimote doesn't kick ass? That's funny, I thought it did. Yet, Microsoft thinks that there might not be such huge demand for the motion sensitive technology: "there's no point building the hardware if nobody really wants it".

In regards to the PS3's SIXAXIS controller, Satchell, again, isn't very excited, saying that "...the jury's way out on that." With a six directional motion sensitivity, you have to admit that even the involuntary movement of the controller may cause trouble. Satchell continued: "I don't know if it's really that meaningful or not. So I think the jury's out on whether everybody really wants [motion control] so we'll wait and see."

So, Microsoft's whole strategy on the motion sensitive controll can be summed up in three simple words: "wait and see." If motion sensitivity does prove to be the ultimate desire for gamers, by all means Microsoft shall develop their own. If not, their strategy will have proven effective, but it won't bring them any profits, they'll just not lose. I personally think that Microsoft can't wait to build the Xbox 360 motion sensitive controller, they just need confirmation that there is indeed demand for it.