Apr 12, 2011 22:01 GMT  ·  By

Mass Effect 3 will have lots of incredible moments that will serve to tie up any and all of the plot points opened by the first two games, while the combat of the new title will be more refined and hit the sweet spot between the cover-based shooter genre and the role-playing one.

Mass Effect 3 has been on the receiving end of a huge amount of details lately, courtesy of a cover story from Game Informer magazine, and now even more information is being released to the public.

According to Mass Effect 3 executive producer Casey Hudson, the new game will be filled with incredible moments, which will see lots of arcs and plot threads be concluded in stunning ways.

"This is what we've been looking forward to the whole trilogy," he told Game Informer, via CVG. "If you think about the IP that we've built, really every one of the arcs we've got going are leading towards this long list of incredible moments, and that's really what Mass Effect is made out of."

As revealed yesterday, he stayed away from any story details, in order to prevent the appearance of spoilers, instead opting to discuss the new combat mechanics added in Mass Effect 3.

"If you look at the way Mass Effect 2 was received by fans and critics - given the huge, sweeping changes we made - I think there's reason to believe that the formula we arrived at was right. Now, I think there are tweaks we can make to that."

When BioWare decided to give the franchise to regular cover-based third-person shooter mechanics in the second game, the company was confident that it could hold its own against other games like Gears of War or Uncharted.

"We realised that because we have shooter combat, we inevitably will be compared with the best shooters in the world. So we have to get to that level... Now, with Mass Effect 3, we're able to complete that evolution with improvements across the board."

Given how popular the second title became, in the new one, BioWare will implement tweaks and refine the combat even more, while bringing back some of the more RPG elements from the first title, like weapon upgrades or more diversified skill trees.

The AI system will be improved, with teams of enemies working together and using their unique talents to gain the upper hand.

Shepard, the protagonist of the franchise, will be able to move more freely around the battlefield, with the cover mechanic being tweaked to allow full protection while ladders will be added to spice up larger areas.

Mass Effect 3 is expected to appear for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 at the end of the year.