Playing a Vanguard is fun but requires some strategy skills

Mar 24, 2012 22:51 GMT  ·  By

Mass Effect 3, just like previous games, allows players to choose what sort of class they want their character to be, both in the single-player campaign, where they guide Commander Shepard, and in the multiplayer one, where they can create all sorts of characters.

While there are certainly lots of choices to be had, from the Soldier, to the Adept or Infiltrator, by far one of the most fun is Vanguard.

First up, let's talk about Vanguards in the single-player.

Seeing as how Mass Effect 3 still relies on lots of third person shooter tropes, meaning you enter an area that's filled with enemies, go from cover to cover and methodically eliminate them, a Vanguard character offers a breath of fresh air by allowing you access to the special Biotic Charge ability.

As such, when you're dealing with enemies, instead of going from cover to cover like in any other third person shooter, you just charge them by teleporting through the level and then watch as their bodies get slammed by your power. Thanks to the slow motion effect triggered when you complete a charge, you can easily shoot other enemies with your weapon of choice (shotguns are recommended, of course).

In the multiplayer mode, however, playing a Vanguard requires more strategic thinking. You no longer have a slow motion effect so try not to rush into a mob of enemies that has just spawned.

Your character doesn't have a lot of health, so remember to charge enemies when your shields are depleted, as any successful move immediately fills them up.

A popular strategy for many human Vanguards is to combine a Charge with a Nova attack, which involves smashing your fist into the ground and sending shockwaves near your vicinity. Remember that each Nova attack means your shields get depleted, so be careful when pulling off the combo right in the middle of a group of enemies.

It's probably better to host your own multiplayer matches when playing a Vanguard, as if you have even the tiniest bit of lag, charging will become difficult and this can result in lots of deaths for your character.

What's more, try to avoid certain maps, like Firebase White (on Noveria) or Firebase Ghost, as Vanguards tend to experience glitches that sends them over or under the map.

I've heard lots of people say that playing a Vanguard character is fun but playing alongside one in multiplayer isn't that great. Remember to always charge when your shield is low, avoid large mobs of enemies, especially on higher difficulty, and only use the Charge + Nova combo when it makes sense.

Follow these tips and you might experience some great moments alongside your Vanguard, both in single and multiplayer.