The sequel promises to bring us an improved Just Cause

Jan 31, 2008 10:10 GMT  ·  By

Did you like playing Just Cause? Yeah, it wasn't exactly what one can call "the perfect game" but it was, at least, a good starting point. And Eidos Interactive have announced that the sequel, Just Cause 2, improves every aspect that needed to be improved from the Just Cause game. And if they really manage to do as promised, we might have a great game. Still... we could've had a great game in the first place, so don't get too excited.

So Rico Rodriguez will be back for another havoc-wreaking adventure, this time in the huge playground of the South East Asian islands of Panau. You will get to see more stunts, vehicles and weapons, as well as a huge 1000 square km game world that gathers different climates and promises to bring some very realistic weather effects.

One of the best parts in the first Just Cause game was the skydiving option, and the feature is back and improved as well. Also, the land and sea stunt system featuring Rico's notorious parachute and grappling hook, taken to incredible new extremes and a massive array of new vehicles featuring an advanced driving model will now allow players to pull off some of the finest action stunts they ever dreamed of.

"Remember everything you loved about Just Cause, then take it to the next level: vehicles, stunts, weapons, freedom, grappling hook, action, everything," said Alex Price, Brand Manager. "The game world is even more incredible in Just Cause 2 and Rico has done a bit of growing up, so expect quite a few new surprises up his sleeves."

We're hoping that he meant "surprises" in a good way. But, having in mind that we can leap from our planes and skydive from 10,000 feet down into a tropical jungle just in time for some action, we consider it a good start. We'll see that sometime during this year, on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles, as well as PC systems. Until then, check the new screenshots below.

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