He even mentions some of his good days to impose himself

May 23, 2007 08:39 GMT  ·  By
Don't let all these violent games get to you Jack. You look good when you smile
   Don't let all these violent games get to you Jack. You look good when you smile

He's at it again. He can't stop. It's like a compulsory thing for him. But let's just give Thompson the benefit of the doubt here, as not all of you have read his threatening letter to Microsoft tied to the multiplayer Beta of Halo 3. Who knows, there might be people out there who actually love Thompson, even if he does have the unequaled talent of making a mockery out of his own name.

Making sure that the Internet doesn't forget to mention him every once in a while, Jack Thompson (attorney extraordinaire) probably thought to himself that the GTA and Manhunt issues were rather old and that it was time to pick on more recent violent games - next generation games. Thus, our most beloved character for the funny-news section (we don't have one, I just made it up) sent this letter to Bill Gates, like Thompson and him were beer pals or something:

"Here's the deal, Mr. Gates: Either Microsoft undertakes dramatic, real steps, through its marketing, wholesale, and retail operations to assure that Halo 3 is not sold, via the Internet and in stores, directly to anyone under 17, or I shall proceed to make sure that Microsoft is held to that standard by appropriate legal means. I have done that before successfully as to Best Buy, and I shall do so again as to Microsoft and all retailers of Halo 3," posts Destructoid.

I have to say that if Halo 3 is so dangerous, then Marylin Manson should be put to sleep. Some may think that Thompson has an extra pair of balls to go and tell Gates all this stuff to his face, but here's a little clue to his uncertainty. Towards the end of his message to Microsoft's founder, Thompson states: "I have done that before successfully as to Best Buy, and I shall do so again..." bla bla bla. This is the first sign that Thompson just wants to impress people.

One question remains: does he honestly think that Microsoft/Bill Gates is going to bother answering him...?