Oct 15, 2010 17:31 GMT  ·  By
Lisa Rinna recently went under the knife to fix her upper lip, which had been botched by silicone injections
   Lisa Rinna recently went under the knife to fix her upper lip, which had been botched by silicone injections

After years of bad media and incessant criticism on her fish lips, this month, actress Lisa Rinna announced she’d gone under the knife to fix them. According to just one person – her husband – that was truly unnecessary.

Lisa got silicone injections in her upper lip when she was younger, because a friend of hers said they should. She came to regret that rash decision later.

The silicone hardened and formed into lumps that deformed her upper lip – but it took her many years until she found the courage to have surgery to fix the damage.

As Harry Hamlin says for People, he always thought his wife’s lips were just perfect as they were. Where others saw a botched cosmetic intervention, he saw nothing.

“What got me about Lisa was her eyes, not her lips,” Hamlin, Rinna’s husband of 13 years, says for People. “So I spent most of my time looking at those.”

Still, it wasn’t just the eyes that distracted his attention from her mouth, since the fact that the changes were gradual also contributed a lot to it.

“Whatever change took place was so gradual, it never registered for me,” Harry says. When he kissed his wife, he noticed nothing wrong either because her mouth was always. “soft and supple.”

Naturally, since he saw nothing wrong with Lisa’s lips, his initial reaction when he heard she wanted to have surgery on them was to say no.

Surgery, as he puts it, is “never a good thing” so, for a while there, he did his best to make Lisa see things the same. Eventually, though, he realized how much it meant to her and caved.

“I understand it from a woman’s point of view. But plastic surgery is just an extension of that whole ‘let’s stay fresh and young’ vibe. Me, I’m just gonna get old and haggard,” Hamlin says.

Luckily, when it comes to love, all is fair, to paraphrase an old saying.

“But I love Lisa no matter what – whether she has plastic surgery or not, or she’s gray or saggy. It’s the long haul here,” he says.