Sep 21, 2010 22:01 GMT  ·  By

Halo: Reach, the newest installment in Microsoft's extremely popular first person shooter franchise, will get a new multiplayer feature unlocked next month, in the form of campaign co-operative matchmaking, which is currently locked by the game's developer, Bungie, to prevent the single player story to be spoiler for players.

In the studio's newest weekly update concerning Halo: Reach, the developer says that the co-operative campaign mode will finally be unlocked and available to anyone who wants to attempt various missions from the game alongside their friends.

Bungie says that the feature is locked, at the moment, because it doesn't want new players to have the whole story ruined, if they opt to join their friends in the final missions, for example, thereby skipping the beginning of the game.

In October though, the co-op campaign mode will be available to all, thanks to a bigger title update that will be launched for Halo: Reach.

Besides the new mode, tweaks to the other multiplayer aspects of the game will be made, as well as to the Forge and new maps will be available.

"The first matchmaking update for Reach will occur in early October and consist primarily of fixes for bugs and balance issues. We're not done testing them all yet, but when they're ready we'll fill you in on all of the little details. We'll also be adding some game types and Forge maps. Co-op campaign will be going live in October as well," revealed the Halo: Reach developer.

"Campaign matchmaking will not take into account what your current progress is, so if you're worried about spoilers make sure you finish campaign before jumping into this playlist!"

So, there you have it Halo fans, if you've been dying to take on the campaign missions with your friends, then October's title update is just what you've been waiting for.

Sadly, Bungie declined to pin an exact release date on the new update, so you'll just have to wait and see when it will appear on Xbox Live.