Just how fun can a multiplayer session of the newest DS Final Fantasy be?

Aug 14, 2007 07:35 GMT  ·  By

We checked out the game's trailer and we found out two things: the game's coming out on August 23 and it's pretty fun to play in multiplayer mode. If you don't believe us, feel free to watch the trailer for yourself and start counting the days, before the great launch.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates is the name of this DS title and it's a sequel to the famous Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, we played on the GameCube. Since it boasts such a fine multiplayer, the title surely uses the Wi-Fi potential of the console. While playing the game, you'll be able to choose between five types of characters, at least in the multiplayer mode: Warrior, Archer, White Mage, Black Mage plus a supporting class.

We'll surely see lots of stylus action on the top screen, magic attacks, chained attacks and the classic combats that Square-Enix delivers in such action RPGs. Being a fan of the huge Final Fantasy series, I must say that I'm thrilled to see this new trailer, but I still miss the days of Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy X. On the Nintendo consoles, FF titles seem to be entirely different games, lacking that "something", that made them blockbusters on the Playstation, PS2 and soon the PS3.

Many new gamers will surely laugh and giggle like the young lady in the trailer below, while playing Ring of Fates, but I, for one would rather play Final Fantasy XIII Versus on the PS3 or Crisis Core on the PSP, even if they were only available in Japanese. Since the release of Final Fantasy XI, the FF fans were split in two groups: the multiplayer lovers and the multiplayer haters. The second ones adore the storylines from the previous games, while the first group plays Final Fantasy as an alternative to WoW. Which of these are you?