JoWood tests the tricky waters of the musical genre

Jul 25, 2008 07:53 GMT  ·  By

You are probably already a true Guitar virtuoso, a real Rock Band star, a hero of the karaoke genre in Singstar and you're preparing yourself to start the music wars. In other words, you are surrounded by music and, why not admit it - you love that! However, there is a little problem with all these games: if you go on a trip, you won't be able to play them. That's when JoWood enters the stage and tells you it's time for you to become a Music Monstar, too.

The game, under development at Tivola studios, will be released in September this year and promises to turn you into a huge, successful star while you're on the go. You'll learn to play the songs performed by internationally acclaimed artists and rock the world, for good. You will only have to use the stylus and play with Pianos, Drumsets and E-Guitars, all touch sensitive. Songs like "Can't get you out of my head" by Kylie Minogue, "I want to break free" by Queen, "The final Countdown" by Europe or "Personal Jesus" from Depeche Mode and many more are waiting for you to play, master and make them famous again.

Music Monstar comes with five different game modes which, according to the developers, will each offer a unique experience. Unfortunately, they give no details, so we'll have to take their word for it. However, Tivola tells us that we'll be guided on our way to supreme fame by Max, our manager, who will help us book the big gigs, teach us how to play the songs and many more. You will be able to work as a producer, too and write your own songs.

Multiplayer is also an option for this DS exclusive and the mechanics are quite simple: you compete against your friends and, the more accurately you play, the higher your score will be (duh!) and the more top hits you will unlock. Sounds fun? Wait for September to come and you'll test it by yourself.