More details about singer’s accident emerge, police are still investigating

May 22, 2013 09:28 GMT  ·  By

Over the weekend, singer George Michael was airlifted to the hospital after he was involved in a one-vehicle accident on the M1 in Hertforshire. More details of the accident are now available – and it seems he fell out of the speeding car, bouncing down the motorway.

Katherine Fox tells The Sun that she was the first to rush to the star’s aid and then call the ambulance when she noticed he was in such a bad state.

She explains that Michael wasn’t driving because he fell out of the passenger’s door. He was lucky no car hit him because she stopped just in the nick of time.

Officially, there’s no word yet on how the accident occurred, but Fox claims the singer told her that he was trying to open the door to shut it properly, as he had noticed that he hadn’t done that the first time.

“I asked what had gone on and was told he tried to open the car door and shut it again because it wasn’t shut properly and apparently fell out at 70mph. I was on the phone to the ambulance and said, ‘You’d better come quick. This doesn’t look good’,” Fox explains.

In a separate interview, she tells the Daily Mail that he was so bloodied that, at first, she didn’t even recognize him.

To The Sun too, Fox says that the singer was in a pretty bad shape, which is completely understandable since he “bounced down” the motorway.

“George was wearing a black and gold Adidas tracksuit that was ripped all down the arm and shoulder. He had no trainers on. I grabbed one from the second lane because cars were swerving to avoid it. His sunglasses were also in the road. I could hear the crunch as cars drove over them,” she recalls.

The driver of the car he fell from also rushed to him.

“George didn’t say anything, he just seemed in shock. He was sitting down against a car and in the arms of his friend. The guy holding him was quite scared. He kept saying to George, ‘Are you all right mate?’ I think George was lucky he didn’t die,” Katherine says.

George Michael’s boyfriend has already told the press that the singer was “fine,” having suffered only cuts and bruises, and not a head injury as reported at first.

The police are still investigating.