Feb 2, 2011 09:08 GMT  ·  By

Square Enix has recently revealed a names change for Final Fantasy XIII Versus, which is now known as Type-0, and the move seems to have sparked the publisher to deliver more information about the video game, starting with the all important battle system, which was revealed as featuring Experience Points.

In an interview with Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu Hajime Tabata, who is the director working on Final Fantasy Type-0, and Yoshinori Kitase, who is a producer, have talked about the changes that are included in the game over the standard Final Fantasy formula and about how the new experience will be more dynamic.

The XP system will be used to level up the characters that players have access to, but the levels will not be more important than choosing the right equipment for them to use and developing the abilities best suited for each situation.

The battle system also includes a tweak which allows for each spell to become more powerful the longer the player holds down the button associated with it, with a trade-off included between spell power and player vulnerability while the casting is done.

The spells also seem to be customizable, with the speed, power and casting time all tweak ready and players will be able to fire off spells as if they were using a gun in other Final Fantasy titles.

The two developers also said that the development process on Final Fantasy Type-0 was about 60 percent done.

They explained that the game was being delivered on two UMD discs because of the quality of the content included, which would rival games in the same series launched on home consoles.

Final Fantasy Type-0 is being prepared for a launch window of summer in Japan, exclusively on the PlayStation Portable from Sony.

Square Enix has not announced whether the game will be launched on Western markets and much will probably depend on how the game is received on the home market.