The studio is quite proud of the positive reviews received by Gears of War 3

Sep 16, 2011 09:12 GMT  ·  By

With Gears of War 3 set to be launched next week, reviews are now popping up all over the Internet and, seeing as how most of them are extremely positive, Epic Games has issued a statement thanking for the praise.

Gears of War 3 is going to be released next week and already lots of reviews are now appearing all over the web, with most critics praising the third installment for its great end to the story as well as for its polished gameplay.

Seeing as how the first games in the series were extremely popular, with Metacritic ratings of 94, for the original, and 93, for the sequel, many fans had extremely high expectations of the third title, especially since it's supposed to close the current trilogy of titles set in the Gears of War universe.

Now, with all the positive reviews, Epic has been extremely pleased that its efforts have paid off.

"While I think everyone knows there's no such thing as perfection, I'm very proud and humbled by the fact that some reviewers feel Gears 3 is truly the best game in the series and is worthy of their highest score,” said Epic Games Director of Production Rod Fergusson to IndustryGamers.

Gears of War 3 was initially set to be released back in April, but was delayed to allow Epic more time to implement a few major changes, and the extra development time even allowed the studio to run a multiplayer beta stage, which benefited the final game because of all the feedback received from fans.

The story mode is the longest the studio has even created, and, according to Epic, it closes the saga of Delta Squad, led by the hero of the series, Marcus Fenix. The multiplayer mode, in the views of its developers, is the most polished one in the franchise, mainly because of the improvements that were tried out both in the online beta stage as well as in the multiplayer mode of the previous Gears of War 2.

Gears of War 3 is out on September 20, exclusively for the Xbox 360 platform.