Aug 19, 2011 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: I am again holding down the weekend gaming fort alone this weekend as my partner in writing Andrei Dobra is still in Cologne, finishing up Gamescom and getting ready for the flight back and for some well deserved rest.

It's now just a few days until the launch of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, one of my most expected video games of the year, and I plan to prepare for it by spending some time with the first game in the series.

The original Deus Ex is pretty ugly by modern standards but one can still easily see the brilliance behind the blocky graphics.

Just playing again through the starting Statue of Liberty levels shows how much choice the player had, from pure tactical choices about how enemies can be taken down to actual philosophical choices about how he wants to shape the world he is playing in.

I hope that Human Revolution manages to have the same level of attention to detail and makes me care as much about the world and I am eagerly awaiting to get to play it next week.

In the meantime I will also spend more time racing my own brother in Need for Speed and trying to beat his times even though he has spent much more time with the game lately and is also almost three years younger.

And when I get too fed up about losing I plan to return to something I am actually good at: the For the Motherland expansion for Hearts of Iron III.

I have just started a new game with Great Britain in which I plan to take the fight to Germany as soon as possible instead of waiting for the Nazis to get their strength up by taking Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland.

As soon as I am done with Germany I plan to assault Communist Russia and then conquer the free world and integrate it into the benevolent monarchy of the British monarchy.