Another side-scrolling game on the 360

Nov 29, 2006 07:49 GMT  ·  By

I wouldn't expect for many of you to know what Double Dragon is, as this beat 'em up video game dates back from 1987. But you will get a chance to experience it once more, as Microsoft plans to make it available for download on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

According to, this Double Dragon download will require 12.56MB of your Xbox 360 hard drive and will have enhanced graphics and cooperative play support on Xbox Live. So far, nobody knows how much it will cost or even when it will exactly be released.

The game of Double Dragon is set in New York City, five years after a nuclear war, when criminals have taken over the city. Billy and Jimmy Lee are the main characters and they are highly trained in Sou-Setsu-Ken-a, an imaginary style of martial arts. One day, Billy's girlfriend is kidnapped by the Black Warriors, NYC's main criminal organization. The Black Warriors, led by Willy Mackey want to find out the secret of the Double Dragon and that is why they kidnap Billy's girlfriend.

Of course Billy and Jimmy don't want to give up the secret of the Double Dragon so they set out on a quest to find Billy's girlfriend and release her. Their quest expands onto 4 levels of play, City Slums, Industrial Areas, Woods and Hideout of the Boss.

You might say that Double Dragon is a classic story of good vs. evil, influenced by martial arts movies. I guess the creator of the game, Yoshihisha Kismoto, saw one too many Bruce Lee movies when he was a child. Double Dragon has Enter the Dragon (Bruce Lee's most famous movie) written all over it.