When all else fails killing policemen seems like a good idea

Sep 12, 2011 14:11 GMT  ·  By

Early on in Deus Ex: Human Revolution the player has to infiltrate a police station in order to get access to an important plot object, with the added secondary objective of getting some answers about the initial Sarif Industries assault.

The obvious way to do it is to give the right answers to the man who controls access to the station but the way I play Adam Jensen wouldn't really allow me to do that, so I deliberately scuttled that approach and opted for stealth.

About 4 hours later I found it all but impossible to get from the ground level of the police station, where I managed to sneak after breaking in through the roof, to the underground space where my important object was located.

I explored the outside a little and found no other way of going into the police station, which frustrated me.

I was irritated, Adam was irritated and I began seeing the cops as the source of my problems and I took the fateful decision of getting through using pure firepower.

I was not easy, a testament to the better than average Artificial Intelligence of Deus Ex, but I managed to clear the ground floor and then the underground level.

I felt bad, incredibly bad for killing so many lawmen, for eliminating a stabilizing presence for the city of Detroit but I felt good for achieving my objective and being able to progress with the game.

But the biggest problem with my violent approach towards the Detroit City Police Department is that once I exited the station I found that all of the lawmen on the street were literally gunning for me.

I immediately thought about taking on all of them and cleaning the city of its (corrupt?) police presence but my plans were quickly made obsolete by the realization that all these cops were armored up and had much more firepower than me.

So, in Deus Ex, like in life, serious crime against the police does not pay.