Players will be able to get weapons for multiplayer use

Sep 1, 2011 09:48 GMT  ·  By

The developers at DICE working on Battlefield 3, the soon-to-be-released first-person shooter, have set out to create a game that can go head to head with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and that means offering a cooperative experience to rival the Spec Ops mode.

Tommy Rydling, who is a junior product manager working on Battlefield 3 at DICE, has spoken about the Exfiltration cooperative experience included in the game, saying, “We designed co-op to be the perfect blend between the strong narrative from single player and the open-ended action from multiplayer. We are fusing the replayability of multiplayer with a pick up-and-play mentality to create a totally new flavor of Battlefield.”

He added, “For the most part, the missions in the co-op campaign are asymmetric. This means that one mission can have you piloting a helicopter while your friend is the gunner, for example. Other situations have one player disarming a bomb and the other one defending him.”

The developer says that the cooperative element of Battlefield 3 extends to stealth kills that can only be done by at least two players working together, to how enemies are spotted and to providing help when a teammate is downed by enemy fire.

The cooperative side of Battlefield 3 is designed to be seen as part of the same overall narrative as the single player campaign, but the developers have left the involved soldiers’ identities vague on purpose in order to allow for variety.

In order to encourage player to see what the cooperation mode can offer DICE is offering unlockable weapons as rewards for those who complete the missions, ready to be used in the multiplayer mode.

Battlefield 3 will be released in late October and is set to be offered on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 and the PC.