He was spotted emerging from a lake in Abington Park

Sep 23, 2013 13:38 GMT  ·  By

A clown becoming increasingly popular in Northampton, in the UK, has been caught on video for the first time.

A video of him walking out of a lake in Abington Park, while carrying balloons has emerged. His appearance in the lake has been caught on video by local newspaper Northampton Chronicle & Echo.

Camera crews were there for a Madness concert at the Northamptonshire County Cricket Ground.

The clown has been popping up in different places in town, trying to get noticed and to have photos of him appear online.

The mystery Northampton clown has set up a Facebook account through which he communicates with the public.

160,000 users have liked the page so far. However, it hasn't been all smooth sailing. He describes receiving more than 1,000 death threats.