You are just one flush away of losing your mobile phone

Jun 5, 2007 12:53 GMT  ·  By

Ever wondered which are the most common ways of losing a mobile phone? A British study has thoroughly looked into this matter and the results are surprising.

It seems that, by far, the most common way of losing a handset device is to flush it away in the toilet. Almost 900,000 mobile phones are destroyed this way every year. A calculus made by the researchers shows that the devices that are lost in this way reach an estimate value of almost 350 million pounds. This gives a new meaning to every flush, as it might be worth a luxury handset for those that can afford it.

Furthermore, it seems that Brits have a tendency of forgetting things everywhere, including their mobile phones. More than 800,000 such devices are accidentally left in pubs by their owners. Naturally, the same amount of handsets are found in pubs and restaurants, so luck has high chances of turning around for those with weak memory by finding another handset as to replace the one that they have just lost.

More than 300,000 people have forgotten their mobile phones in the taxi and more than 200,000 did so when going by bus. The study further reveals that almost 100,000 cellulars have been damaged in the washing machine. This shows the fact that mobile phones don't have it that easy, as absent-minded Brits make them go through dangerous situations that lead to inevitable destruction.

"Of the 18 million new handsets bought in the UK every year, roughly 4.5 million will end up lost or damaged. With handsets now costing up to 400 pounds, and people often opting out of the insurance package, there's more reason than ever to look after your mobile", said Karen Darby, from

Moreover, the study showed little difference between male and female mobile users when it comes to taking care of their mobile phones. 26 percent of women and 28 percent of men admitted that they happened to break or lose their cellulars. More than three quarters of the UK population currently own a mobile phone, which highly increases the number of such devices that have to suffer handling accidents.