The 4-7-8 breathing technique, pioneered by one Dr. Andrew Weil, is said to do a great job of calming the nervous system

May 5, 2015 09:32 GMT  ·  By

There are few things in life quite as annoying as being unable to fall asleep and get some much-needed rest ahead of a long, busy day. It all gets even more frustrating when what's keeping you awake is your annoyance at the fact that your brain just won't shut down. 

If hot milk, counting woolly animals or simply staring at the ceiling until your eyes begin to ache doesn't cut it for you, you might want to try a novel breathing technique pioneered by one Dr. Andrew Weil of Arizona, US.

The technique is very simple, really

Dr. Andrew Weill says that the secret to falling asleep is learning to breathe in a well-established and orderly fashion. For starters, exhale whatever air you have in your lungs and make sure to produce a whoosh sound while you're at it.

Next, breathe in through the nose while mentally counting up to four. Once your lungs are filled with air, hold your breath for as long as it takes you to count up to seven. Finally, exhale making another whoosh sound for a count of eight.

“Note that you always inhale quietly through your nose and exhale audibly through your mouth. The tip of your tongue stays in position the whole time,” Dr Weil explained in a statement, as cited by DM.

Dr. Andrew Weil insists that this breathing technique is so effective that it can put people to sleep in 60 seconds flat, sometimes even faster. More precisely, he insists that three cycles are enough to make folks really sleepy.

How the breathing technique works

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, this breathing technique works by calming the nervous system and relieving all traces of tension in the body. The technique supposedly achieves this by delivering plenty of oxygen to the lungs.

It is this surplus of oxygen that relaxes the nervous system, makes people feel more connected to their body, and ultimately helps them fall asleep and enjoy a peaceful and resting slumber.

Interestingly Dr. Andrew Weil says that his so-called 4-7-8 breathing technique can also help improve anxiety and OCD symptoms. The bad news: it takes about six to eight weeks for people to master it well enough to actually benefit from it.