Soundtrack will help player gain immersion and understand stakes

Dec 21, 2011 00:41 GMT  ·  By

The developers at BioWare have announced information on the music design for the upcoming Mass Effect 3, with five composers announced as working on the soundtrack which will accompany Commander Shepard in his race to save Earth from the Reapers.

The composers working on the music element of Mass Effect 3 include:

- Clint Mansell, who has a Golden Globe nomination and has worked inside Hollywood on movies like Black Swan, The Wrestler and Requiem for a Dream; - Christopher Lennertz, a Emmy nominated Hollywood composer who has film credits for productions like Horrible Bosses and also has previous experience with the franchise, working on the Overlordand the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC for Mass Effect 2; - Cris Velasco, known in the video game world for creating the soundtrack for the God of War series and has previously worked on Mass Effect 2: Kasumi and Mass Effect 2: Arrival; - Sam Hulick, one of the veterans of the Mass Effect series, who scored the original Mass Effect, Mass Effect: Bring Down the Sky and Mass Effect 2; - Sascha Dikiciyan, the score composer for TRON: Evolution and the musical mind behind the scores of Mass Effect 2: Kasumi and Mass Effect 2: Arrival.

Casey Hudson, who is the executive producer of the Mass Effect series, stated, “The magic of BioWare games has always been the emotional power of the story, so music is extremely important to the experience.”

He added, “With Mass Effect 3, we’re taking players on a more personal journey, even though the scope is bigger than ever – an all-out galactic war! Each composer has played an intricate role in delivering the combination of epic scope and delicate emotion that will make Mass Effect 3 the best game in the series.”

Mass Effect 3 is set to be launched on March 6 in the United States and three days later in Europe and will be playable on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 and the PC.