Horse Armor is still going strong

Feb 2, 2009 16:01 GMT  ·  By

In the RPG (Role Playing Game) genre, a lot of titles have appeared only to be quickly forgotten in favor of the more popular ones. Diablo, Knights of the Old Republic or The Elder Scrolls have been entertaining people for quite some time, and are still being played today by a lot of gamers.

Among them, Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls series has quickly risen to big heights in terms of popularity, and, with the most recent installment, Oblivion, in sales, too. The game dazzled a lot of players due to its beautiful scenery and well polished gameplay mechanics. Through a lot of expansions and new content, the company managed to keep people interested in the title, and it is still being played today.

Now, in the wake of the Operation Anchorage DLC for Fallout 3, Bethesda has put together a top, in which it ranked the best selling downloadable items available on the Xbox 360 Live Marketplace. The company stresses the fact that although the game was launched quite some time ago, it is still going strong, and items are purchased every day by players. Also, the infamous Horse Armor add-on, which has made a lot of people complain that it didn't bring a lot of content for its high price, is present in the top at a respectable ninth place.

Here's the top, as found on the Bethesda blog:

1. Wizard’s Tower

2. Thieves Den

3. Mehrunes Razor

4. Spell Tomes

5. Vile Lair

6. The Orrery

7. Knights of the Nine

8. Shivering Isles

9. Horse Armor

10. Fighter’s Stronghold*.

*If we rank by pure downloads and include the free promotions we’ve had, Fighter’s Stronghold becomes #1.

It appears that a lot of Xbox 360 users still enjoy spending time in Oblivion and are more than eager to buy other pieces of content in order to improve that experience.