Nov 8, 2010 12:13 GMT  ·  By

Galaxy Tab, the first Android-based tablet PC the South Korean mobile phone maker Samsung brought to the market not too long, ago, is on its way to make an appearance on the market in Australia in the near future, and wireless carrier Telstra has just announced its plans on the matter.

Telstra would be only one of the wireless carriers in Australia set to make the Galaxy Tab available on their airwaves in the near future, as Optus was also reported as planning the move, and Vodafone won't be late to the party either.

The Galaxy Tab was announced last week as being on its way to the Australian market via carriers, and that the launch will take place as soon as this week.

While there are not details available when exactly would Telstra put the Android slate on sale on its airwaves, info on possible pricing for this device did emerge, a recent article on reports.

According to the news site, the Android tablet PC will go on sale at Telstra on monthly plans starting with the $29 Cap at the wireless carrier, and going to $49 and $79 per month too.

The monthly plans will offer 1GB Data, 7GB Data and 12GB Data, respectively.

At the same time, the news site notes that the wireless carrier also put in place Galaxy Tab repayments, depending on the chosen plan.

Thus, repayments for the 29 Cap rise up to $25 per month, the same as for the 49 Cap, while those set in place with the 79 Cap are of $15 per month.

In case these details pan out, Telstra's offering for the Galaxy Tab will certainly seem far less appealing that what Optus already announced as being put in place for the device (a $1,776 total cost over 24 months at Telstra, compared to $1,438.8 total cost at Optus).

However, nothing is official on the matter for the time being, and chances are that the wireless carrier will go official with some different price tags.