Oct 7, 2010 08:19 GMT  ·  By

It was touch and go for a while there with British singer Amy Winehouse (as per reports) but she’s gotten her life back on track again, staying off the drugs for the past 3 years.

Speaking with The Sun the other day, the singer revealed that, contrary to reports in the media, she was sober – and had been so for the past 3 years.

As fans must know, Amy began using crack cocaine and heroine in 2005, with her addiction culminating in 2007, when she was rushed to the hospital after overdosing.

Shortly after, she went away to the Caribbean, hoping to fight her addiction by breaking free from all the negative influences in her life. She succeeded, she now says.

“I’m much healthier now. I used to use drugs and I haven’t used drugs in almost three years. It’s not a hard thing,” Amy tells The Sun, even if pictures from back then would tell a different story.

In the end, it’s a question of will power. “I literally woke up one day and was like, ‘I don’t want to do this any more’,” says the singer.

Though pictures of her show that she still enjoys a night out drinking – or, as The Sun puts it, “a drink or three” – Amy is adamant she’s just fine.

Pictures of her the other night out in London (attached) would seem to indicate that, indeed, she’s a far cry from how she looked, say, in August this year, when she passed out on a bench in front of a pub after an all-night drinking binge.

Amy is convinced she’s gotten her life back in order – and may even begin thinking about starting a family of her own very soon.

“I’m of the age when you start thinking about it. Although I’m not going to be getting pregnant in the next nine months!” the singer says.