Alarming e-crime rates - 300 the United Kingdom per hour

Sep 6, 2007 12:46 GMT  ·  By

A statistic by Garlik shows that there are 300 online crimes in the United Kingdom per hour! This is way off the scale! Just think about it, it means that cyber-crime takes place every 12 seconds. You don't even have time to finish your burger between two e-crimes happening. Well...that's unless you stuff it all in your mouth at once. In any case, the cyber-crime ratings in the UK don't surprise me any more. I wrote a material the other day about Brighton, which is a rather small town, but is ranked 6th in the top 10 English cradles of e-crime.

So, 300 per hour, and that includes ID theft, scamming, PC hacking, taking down sites and other criminal activities as well. The least dangerous form of cyber-crime encountered in the UK is illegally using a WiFi connection. Just imagine a country where you can go in the streets and open your laptop and you can hijack an Internet connection almost anywhere. They are so informatized it's no wonder cyber-crime has reached these alarming rates...

In case you are alarmed by these facts and are or are not living in the United Kingdom, here's some stuff you can do to avoid being the victim of cybercrime: Be smart! And by that I mean do not use the same password for all your accounts and make it unguessable! Do not trust great offers that come from shady sites, those are probably scams! Remember that neither banks nor any other corporation will ask for your personal data on the web! Get an AV on your PC and a firewall wouldn't be too bad either... Install a pop-up blocker and do not click on dubious links in spam e-mails! These are basic things that you need to know when "venturing" on the web.