Modern Warfare 2 review

Nov 22, 2009 14:41 GMT  ·  By

This Sunday, you can check out the Softpedia review for Modern Warfare 2, which is already selling like hotcakes, read the journal related to playing Dragon Age: Origins, read a Weekend Reading piece linked to videogames and movies or check out the EndWeekGame piece we've put together. But you can also take a look at the most important news stories of the week that passed.

On Monday, we talked about Final Fantasy XIII, which was confirmed as coming to the West on March 9, 2010, and we also heard that another game set for next year, Dead Space 2, could actually be getting multiplayer.

Tuesday was the day when Sony confirmed the existence of the 3.10 firmware update for the PlayStation 3 and showed off some of its features, while the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 seemed to have been hacked.

On Wednesday, Microsoft released a strongly worded statement insisting on players not buying any modded Xbox 360 consoles because of the void warranty and also put out a free downloadable content pack for Forza Motorsport 3.

On Thursday, we found out that No More Heroes was headed for both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 with an estimated time of arrival of late 2010, while Dan Houser confirmed that Rockstar was searching for a new venue for Grand Theft Auto V.

On Friday, we talked about BioWare's announcement of a new piece of DLC for Dragon Age: Origins, called Return to Ostagar, while Midway offered a glimpse of how a new Mortal Kombat videogame might have looked.