Twitter Account of Filipina Actress Kathryn Bernardo Hacked

Twitter Account of Filipina Actress Kathryn Bernardo Hacked

The celebrity is best known for her role in the Filipino drama "Mara Clara"

Website of Former “Apprentice” Contestant Katie Hopkins Hacked

Website of Former “Apprentice” Contestant Katie Hopkins Hacked

The hackers leveraged an SQL Injection vulnerability to breach the website

Chinese University of Hong Kong Hacked, Student and Teacher Information Stolen

Chinese University of Hong Kong Hacked, Student and Teacher Information Stolen

The stolen data was transferred to a server located overseas

Tens of Organizations Impacted by Vendini Data Breach

Tens of Organizations Impacted by Vendini Data Breach

Around 30 organizations have been affected so far, but the number could be much higher

SSNs of 506 Boston Teachers Union Health & Welfare Fund Members Exposed

SSNs of 506 Boston Teachers Union Health & Welfare Fund Members Exposed

Law enforcement has not been contacted because the breach has been inadvertent

Details of 100,000 Individuals Leaked in Attack Against South Korea’s Presidential Office

Details of 100,000 Individuals Leaked in Attack Against South Korea’s Presidential Office

Names, birth dates, identification numbers and addresses have been compromised

CNN’s Political Ticker Hacked, Fake Bitcoin Operator Story Published

CNN’s Political Ticker Hacked, Fake Bitcoin Operator Story Published

A hacker stole a user's credentials for a third-party publishing platform

Over 6,000 University of South Carolina Students Impacted by Security Breach

Over 6,000 University of South Carolina Students Impacted by Security Breach

Their personal details were stored on a stolen laptop

Experts Analyze Data-Stealing Malware Signed with Certificate Stolen from Opera

Experts Analyze Data-Stealing Malware Signed with Certificate Stolen from Opera

Find out if it's time to ditch Opera in favor of other web browsers

Opera Hacked, Attackers Steal Code Signing Certificate and Use It to Sign Malware

Opera Hacked, Attackers Steal Code Signing Certificate and Use It to Sign Malware

Experts explain why digital certificate-related incidents are dangerous

Details of 40,000 US Troops Reportedly Leaked by Hackers <em>Reuters</em>

Details of 40,000 US Troops Reportedly Leaked by Hackers Reuters

The information was leaked as part of an attack aimed at South Korea

Death of Journalist Michael Hastings Blamed on Car Cyber Attack

Death of Journalist Michael Hastings Blamed on Car Cyber Attack

The theory belongs to former US official Richard Clarke

Details of Teacher Preparation Participants Compromised, Florida DOE Warns

Details of Teacher Preparation Participants Compromised, Florida DOE Warns

The personal information of 46,000 individuals was publicly accessible online

Security Brief: Security Improvements, Bug Bounties and Interesting Hacks

Security Brief: Security Improvements, Bug Bounties and Interesting Hacks

The main events of the week between June 17 and June 23

Banana Republic Customer Receives Confidential Employee Documents Instead of Tie

Banana Republic Customer Receives Confidential Employee Documents Instead of Tie

The security breach occurred because Gap uses the same grey plastic bag for all packages

DNS Provider Zerigo Hit by DDOS Attack

DNS Provider Zerigo Hit by DDOS Attack

All the company's name servers were offline at one point

Ephrata Community Hospital Says Employee Illegally Accessed Medical Records

Ephrata Community Hospital Says Employee Illegally Accessed Medical Records

Social security numbers and other financial information have not been accessed

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