Chrome Dev 16.0.912.0 Ready for Gaming

Chrome Dev 16.0.912.0 Ready for Gaming

NaCl and Pepper plug-ins support First Person controls

Google Puts Up Registration Page for GALAXY Nexus, Video Promo

Google Puts Up Registration Page for GALAXY Nexus, Video Promo

Users can sign-up for receiving info on the new device

Google Starts Diverting Some Searches Through the Encrypted Google SSL

Google Starts Diverting Some Searches Through the Encrypted Google SSL

Google hasn't committed, but it could be a first step towards making SSL the default

Google Debuts Next-Generation Presentations Editor in Docs

Google Debuts Next-Generation Presentations Editor in Docs

Google is finally updating the last old-school editor in the Docs suite

YouTube Wants to Find the Next Big Chef and Trainer and Is Using Google+ Hangouts to Do It

YouTube Wants to Find the Next Big Chef and Trainer and Is Using Google+ Hangouts to Do It

YouTube is funding video makers to help them perfect their craft

Google Wallet Now Includes Special Deal Coupons, Loyalty Cards

Google Wallet Now Includes Special Deal Coupons, Loyalty Cards

The next stage begins as Google is moving forward and expanding Wallet's functionality

Google's Beekeeping Venture is Flourishing

Google's Beekeeping Venture is Flourishing

This year's harvest was even more bountiful than the previous

Google I/O 2012 to Be Held on April 24-25

Google I/O 2012 to Be Held on April 24-25

Google has set the date for its developers' conference, but registrations are not open yet

Google Wallet Sees Expanded Support from Merchants

Google Wallet Sees Expanded Support from Merchants

Users will be able to pay with a single tap on their Nexus S 4G phones in more stores

How to Get Google+ Features, Google's Image Recognition Search Working in Opera

How to Get Google+ Features, Google's Image Recognition Search Working in Opera

This simple trick will save you a lot of trouble and will make Opera less of a compromise

Check Out YouTube's New Tiled 'Related Videos' End Screen

Check Out YouTube's New Tiled 'Related Videos' End Screen

YouTube is about to get a major redesign, but it's also seeing some small tweaks

Is Chrome Coming to Android? Yes and No, It's Mostly a Branding Thing

Is Chrome Coming to Android? Yes and No, It's Mostly a Branding Thing

The Android browser and Chrome have always shared a lot of code, now they'll share a name

iPhone 4S' Siri Can Either Threaten or Help Google Search, Will Probably Do Both

iPhone 4S' Siri Can Either Threaten or Help Google Search, Will Probably Do Both

There is a fear that the iPhone assistant will replace the need for many Google searches

Google Voice Pulled from iTunes

Google Voice Pulled from iTunes

Application reportedly crashes at login under iOS 5

Google Launches Online Safety Campaign in the UK, with the Citizens Advice Bureau

Google Launches Online Safety Campaign in the UK, with the Citizens Advice Bureau

Google will used offline and online ads to inform people, but also a new website

Microsoft Funding Patent Analyst Who is at Times Anti-Google Is Not Strictly Unethical

Microsoft Funding Patent Analyst Who is at Times Anti-Google Is Not Strictly Unethical

Google and Microsoft rarely see eye to eye on patents and their dispute is turning uglier

New Sources Confirm Google MP3 Store Coming this Quarter

New Sources Confirm Google MP3 Store Coming this Quarter

Google is poised to be the third major player selling digital music in the US

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