Walking on Two Legs, the Primordial Human Trait

Walking on Two Legs, the Primordial Human Trait

Our foot, the first change

Why Are Humans So Friendly?

Why Are Humans So Friendly?

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala

A Woman's Promiscuity Determines the Sperm's Speed and Power

A Woman's Promiscuity Determines the Sperm's Speed and Power

The human species amongst primates

Why Do Humans Have Back Pains?

Why Do Humans Have Back Pains?

It's in the evolution of the human spine

The Intelligent Spitting

The Intelligent Spitting

Orangutans amaze us with their IQ

Our Ancestors, Dumber Than We Thought

Our Ancestors, Dumber Than We Thought

The skull was big for sex, not for the brain

Why Do Humans Have Such Long Legs?

Why Do Humans Have Such Long Legs?

Adaptation for terrestrial life

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