Script of the Day: Prezento

Script of the Day: Prezento

A jQuery plugin specialized in helping developers showcase their Web design portfolios

Script of the Day: Aristochart

Script of the Day: Aristochart

Create and display statistical data using JavaScript and HTML 5

Script of the Day: Kickoff

Script of the Day: Kickoff

A very small front-end framework for building responsive websites

Script of the Day: Favicon Generator

Script of the Day: Favicon Generator

Generate various types of favicons for a multitude of devices

Script of the Day: BlogoText

Script of the Day: BlogoText

A PHP blogging engine that can work MySQL or SQLite

Script of the Day: Dada Mail

Script of the Day: Dada Mail

A Perl-based mailing list manager for easily sending out your newsletters

Script of the Day: Plangular

Script of the Day: Plangular

Create a custom SoundCloud player with plain HTML and CSS

Script of the Day: WP Product Review

Script of the Day: WP Product Review

Publish complex product reviews on your WordPress blog

Script of the Day: Slick

Script of the Day: Slick

A fully-customizable jQuery plugin for creating carousels and sliders

Script of the Day: gifplayer

Script of the Day: gifplayer

A button to play, pause, and resume animated GIF images

Script of the Day: WysiBB

Script of the Day: WysiBB

A WYSIWYG editor specialized in using BBcode syntax for formatting text

Script of the Day: Free Cart

Script of the Day: Free Cart

A flat-file e-commerce platform for running your own online store with PHP

Script of the Day: SlimBlog

Script of the Day: SlimBlog

A basic blogging platform built on the PHP Slim framework

Script of the Day: WhisperNote

Script of the Day: WhisperNote

A portable Web application for sending encrypted messages

Script of the Day: WP-Polls

Script of the Day: WP-Polls

A WordPress plugin for running polls and questionnaires on your sites

Script of the Day: Fast Edit

Script of the Day: Fast Edit

A flat-file PHP CMS for building easy to manage, small-scale websites

Script of the Day: BASSCSS

Script of the Day: BASSCSS

A frontend UI framework created to provide a basic page prototype for Web projects

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