Script of the Day: PHP Photo Gallery

Script of the Day: PHP Photo Gallery

A PHP script for helping you create and publish photo albums online

Script of the Day: AJAX Chat

Script of the Day: AJAX Chat

An online chat room script working on top of PHP, MySQL, and AJAX (obviously)

Script of the Day: Webplate

Script of the Day: Webplate

A beautiful SASS & CSS frontend UI framework, ideal for creating responsive websites

Script of the Day: Heroic Gallery Manager

Script of the Day: Heroic Gallery Manager

A drag and drop image gallery manager for WordPress

Script of the Day: Salary and Hourly Wage Calculator

Script of the Day: Salary and Hourly Wage Calculator

Convert freelance salary to hourly rates and vice versa

Script of the Day: Imageless Captcha

Script of the Day: Imageless Captcha

A number-based CAPTCHA system for protecting Web forms from spam

Script of the Day: Novius OS

Script of the Day: Novius OS

A CMS modeled to look and behave like a modern desktop UI

Script of the Day: ProjectSend

Script of the Day: ProjectSend

A PHP & MySQL Web-based document and file sharing system

Script of the Day: croppic

Script of the Day: croppic

A jQuery plugin to crop images using a drag & drop interface

Script of the Day: Bootflat

Script of the Day: Bootflat

A new take on Bootstrap and the flat Web design trend

Script of the Day: slidr.js

Script of the Day: slidr.js

Create omnidirectional slideshow with this small jQuery plugin

Script of the Day: WhatsNearby

Script of the Day: WhatsNearby

A jQuery plugin to list nearby businesses based on a given address

Script of the Day: Crafty Social Buttons

Script of the Day: Crafty Social Buttons

Improve your site's social media integration with this beautiful WordPress plugin

Script of the Day: Ametys CMS

Script of the Day: Ametys CMS

An open source Java CMS featuring an easy to use Microsoft Office-like interface

Script of the Day: RoomBooking

Script of the Day: RoomBooking

A generic event booking system coded in ColdFusion

Script of the Day: IMAGIN

Script of the Day: IMAGIN

A PHP, Web-based image gallery script, perfect for showcasing photo collections

Script of the Day: Filemanager

Script of the Day: Filemanager

A basic file manager and Web-based folder browser coded in JavaScript

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