NSA Received Permission to Perform Blanket Surveillance on Germany

NSA Received Permission to Perform Blanket Surveillance on Germany

The FISA court allowed the NSA to spy on an entire country

NSA Targets 122 World Leaders, Including Germany's Merkel

NSA Targets 122 World Leaders, Including Germany's Merkel

The list isn't complete, but it gives a glimpse into the type of targets the agency picks and how no one's a friend

Time Warner Cable Releases First Transparency Report

Time Warner Cable Releases First Transparency Report

The ISP is joining many other Internet giants and reveals how many requests it gets

China Demands That US Put a Stop to NSA Spying

China Demands That US Put a Stop to NSA Spying

The Chinese government wants the United States to stop spying on Huawei, one of the biggest tech companies

Jimmy Carter Chooses Snail Mail over Email to Avoid NSA Monitoring

Jimmy Carter Chooses Snail Mail over Email to Avoid NSA Monitoring

Carter believes he's being spied on by the NSA too

NSA Spies on Chinese Firm Huawei

NSA Spies on Chinese Firm Huawei

The important telco has been targeted by the NSA for years

Germany Launches Probe into NSA Spying, Five Eyes Nations

Germany Launches Probe into NSA Spying, Five Eyes Nations

The German Bundestag wants to know who was involved

Obama to Meet with Tech CEOs, Will Discuss NSA Spying, Privacy

Obama to Meet with Tech CEOs, Will Discuss NSA Spying, Privacy

Obama is having another meeting with tech industry CEOs to talk NSA reforms, hoping to reach some understanding

NSA Hunts System Administrators to Get the “Keys to the Kingdom”

NSA Hunts System Administrators to Get the “Keys to the Kingdom”

The NSA goes straight for the people who handle the networks

The NSA Wants to Put Together Its Own Transparency Reports

The NSA Wants to Put Together Its Own Transparency Reports

Chances for the reports to include data of any use are slim

Gmail Now Encrypts All Emails as They Move to and from Google Data Centers

Gmail Now Encrypts All Emails as They Move to and from Google Data Centers

To fight off the NSA, Gmail is now completely encrypted

PRISM Targets Email Addresses, Not Keywords, NSA Says

PRISM Targets Email Addresses, Not Keywords, NSA Says

Many months after PRISM was first mentioned, NSA says it doesn't collect data in bulk, despite all the leaked documents

Google's Larry Page: NSA Spying Threatens Democracy

Google's Larry Page: NSA Spying Threatens Democracy

Page believes the US govt should have told the people about its data collection efforts

Tails 0.23 Secure Linux Distro Will Keep You Anonymous and Hidden from NSA

Tails 0.23 Secure Linux Distro Will Keep You Anonymous and Hidden from NSA

The distribution is actually named The Amnesic Incognito Live System

NSA Says Tech Companies Knew of PRISM

NSA Says Tech Companies Knew of PRISM

Companies weren't aware of the PRISM Name

Facebook Aims to Encrypt Everything Between Data Centers

Facebook Aims to Encrypt Everything Between Data Centers

The internal connections between Facebook data centers must be secured

Twitter Stops Working on Way to Encrypt Direct Messages

Twitter Stops Working on Way to Encrypt Direct Messages

Following the NSA scandal, Twitter wanted to encrypt DMs, but now paused the project

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