• Windows
  • By Marius Oiaga
  • August 26th, 2008
Non-Windows Microsoft OS Midori - "The Windows Killer"

Non-Windows Microsoft OS Midori - "The Windows Killer"

In the perspective of Mark Russinovich

Midori Will Not Kill Windows, Multiple Releases Coming, Beyond Windows 7

Midori Will Not Kill Windows, Multiple Releases Coming, Beyond Windows 7

Over the next several decades, reveals Microsoft

Windows 7 and 8, plus Midori - 100% Backward Compatibility

Windows 7 and 8, plus Midori - 100% Backward Compatibility

Evolution on a non-Windows path vs. perpetuating the platform's heritage for 1+ billion users

Vista SP1, and then Windows 7, Windows 8 and Non-Windows Midori

Vista SP1, and then Windows 7, Windows 8 and Non-Windows Midori

Singularity is also in the mix

Microsoft Non-Windows Midori OS to Kill Vista and Windows 7

Microsoft Non-Windows Midori OS to Kill Vista and Windows 7

And all Windows

Forget non-Windows Midori, Windows to Live Until 2023, Well after Windows 7 and 8

Forget non-Windows Midori, Windows to Live Until 2023, Well after Windows 7 and 8

For the next 10-15 years, and beyond

Microsoft Midori, a Candidate for the Operating System to Kill Windows

Microsoft Midori, a Candidate for the Operating System to Kill Windows

Or perhaps not, but certainly not Mac OS X or Linux

Life After Windows - Microsoft Midori Operating System

Life After Windows - Microsoft Midori Operating System

A new system architecture and operating system

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