Download Google Chrome 21 for iOS

Download Google Chrome 21 for iOS

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Google Chrome Stable Update No Longer Defaults to Duplex Printing

Google Chrome Stable Update No Longer Defaults to Duplex Printing

Fixes issue with print preview load time on Windows XP

Google Chrome 21 Stable Supports Webcam API

Google Chrome 21 Stable Supports Webcam API

Get your face drawn by a robot in the Science Museum in London

Google Chrome Dev 22.0.1221.0 Available for Download

Google Chrome Dev 22.0.1221.0 Available for Download

The release features an updated V8 engine on Windows and Mac platforms

Google Chrome Beta Updated to 21.0.1180.55

Google Chrome Beta Updated to 21.0.1180.55

Contains Pepper Flash fixes for Windows and fixes display problems on Mac

Chrome Dev Updated to 22.0.1215.0, But Not on Windows

Chrome Dev Updated to 22.0.1215.0, But Not on Windows

Installer-related “Error 22” stops the update push on Windows

LastPass for Chrome Receives Update

LastPass for Chrome Receives Update

Solves login dialog problems and adds two new features

Google Chrome Beta 21.0.1180.49 Released

Google Chrome Beta 21.0.1180.49 Released

Addresses platform specific issues and fixes several crashes

Researcher Identifies Critical Vulnerability in Chrome 20 (Video)

Researcher Identifies Critical Vulnerability in Chrome 20 (Video)

Ucha Gobejishvili has published a POC video to demonstrate his findings

Google Chrome Beta 21.0.1180.41 Integrates Platform-Specific Fixes

Google Chrome Beta 21.0.1180.41 Integrates Platform-Specific Fixes

Fixes several crashes affecting versions for all platforms

3 High-Severity Flaws Addressed in Google Chrome 20

3 High-Severity Flaws Addressed in Google Chrome 20

Miaubiz received $2,000 (1,600 EUR) for his findings

Google Chrome Stable Receives Minor Update

Google Chrome Stable Receives Minor Update

Contains security fixes, an updated Flash Player and JavaScript engine

Google Chrome Drops OS X Leopard Support

Google Chrome Drops OS X Leopard Support

No more compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 salting with Chrome 22

Google Chrome Sued by Patent Troll Over Mobile Chrome

Google Chrome Sued by Patent Troll Over Mobile Chrome

The same company sued Apple and others over the same patent

Google Chrome 21 Beta and 22 Dev Released

Google Chrome 21 Beta and 22 Dev Released

Beta adds video and audio communication and gamepad support

Mozilla Explains Why It's Overlooking Google's FileSystem API

Mozilla Explains Why It's Overlooking Google's FileSystem API

Existing solutions offer better alternatives, Mozilla's Jonas Sicking argues

False HTML5Test Score Threatens to Get Maxthon Banned from the Test

False HTML5Test Score Threatens to Get Maxthon Banned from the Test

Maxthon had artificially inflated scores that have been downgraded

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